Included here are pictures of puppies that we've sold in the past. As we hear from the owners of our puppies, we will occasionally update this page with recent pictures of the dogs.
Litter born 5/12/2018
5 puppies
Sire: Oz
Dam: Nanook
We are at 6 1/2 weeks.  Pups all did great at their check up on
Friday and they all did wonder with their shots. They are
enjoying the running on the grass and playing tag with each
othere. It's hard to believe but the weekend of the 7th of July is
approaching fast. We will need to get everyone scheduled for
Pup 3        ATLAS                 Bi Eyes               Birth weight 1 lb. 1 1/2 oz.     
Pup 1        NORA              Blue Eyes               Birth weight 1 lb. 5 1/2 oz.     
A variety of colors
Pup 2        LILY                Blue Eyes              Birth weight 1 lb. 4 oz.     
Pup 4        PAAVO            Bi Eyed blue and green                   Birth weight 1 lb.  
Pup 5        Female               Parti Eye Little brown in one eye             Birth weight 1 lb. 3 oz.     
Open up and let us out.