Included here are pictures of puppies that we've sold in the past. As we hear from the owners of our puppies, we will occasionally update this page with recent pictures of the dogs.
Nala 1lb. 2oz. Blue Eyed
Ronan 1lb. 4 1/2oz. Blue Eyed
Nanook 1lb. 4oz. Blue Eyed
Kodi 1lb. 3oz. Bi Eyed........Blue and Dark Green
Oscar 1lb. 5oz. Blue Eyed
Loki 1lb. 1oz. Blue Eyed
Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!!!
It seriously wasn't me.
I'm so dang cute!
I'm gonna wish real hard for the
other side.
Come on. You know you want to chase me.
You suppose this board is here for a reason?
Nala with her new family Nick, Camille and Miko.
Ronan with his new family Andrew
and Rhianna.
Kodiak (Kodi) with her new family Joe, Mary
and Breandan.
Oscar and part of his new family Lisa.
Loki with his new family Luke and Callie.
Check out new pictures on Our Dogs Page.
Ronan taking a leisure drive.
Kodiak hanging with Breandan.
Look who's growing up :)
Nala with her new family Nick, Camille and Miko.
I got it first!
Chilling with Big Brother Miko.
A true lap dog :)
Geared up for the Packers Game.
Happy Halloween!
Our first Selfie.
Hiding from the sun.
Enjoying the summer on the water.
Happy 2nd Birthday Nala!
Enjoying a puppiccino.
Chillin' at Heidi's while Mom and Dad are in Mexico.