Included here are pictures of puppies that we've sold in the past. As we hear from the owners of our puppies, we will occasionally update this page with recent pictures of the dogs.
Scooby 1lb. 4oz. Blue eyed
Nitro 1lb. 3oz. Bi blue one green
Sasha 15oz. Blue eyed
Scarlett 1lb. .5oz. Blue eyed
Kaya 1lb. 5oz. Blue Eyed
I'm so making this happen.
I finally got it!!
You suppose she's got some over
there for me?
Come on. Pick me up.
You know you want to.
I am so not getting dirty. Well okay. Maybe just a little bit.
They will never find me under here.
Come on. Give me those pants back
Yeah....I'm adorable.
Yeah. Look at me and my bad self!
Not letting this go for a second.
Scooby's new family Sarah, Emma
Mike and .
Kaya's new family Tanner and Jade.
Sasha's new family Shannon, Anjelica,
Sean and Sydney
Yeah. Look at me and my bad self!
Part of Nitro's new family, John and Melissa
others not shown are Ryan, Jacob, Jolie
and Jameson.
Scarlett and Megan
Scarlett's new family Megan and Willow
Scooby with Sarah and Emma
Group nap attack. :)
Oh yeah. Dug that flower pot up all
by myself. Look at me and my bad self.
Man, I just don't think he's sharing.
It just doesn't get any better
than this.
Check out the Ice Caves with the family :).
5 Months Old :)
Scarlett's trip to the Boundary Waters
Megan with Scarlett and Willow
Scarlett and Willow Chilling
King of the Hill!
On another adventure. Shoshone
National Forest at Yellowstone.
Willow, Drifter and Scarlett.....Waiting for
the OK.
Just hanging out with Mom
Chillin with my best friend
The new addition.....Drifter
Keeping the seat warm at the soccer
game for mom.
Trick or treat
Happy 2nd Birthday Scarlett
Sasha taking her new brother Loki