Included here are pictures of puppies that we've sold in the past. As we hear from the owners of our puppies, we will occasionally update this page with recent pictures of the dogs.
Well, everyone has left for their new homes. I've received
many updates and it sounds like everyone is doing great.
Looking forward to the new pictures to start coming in and
watch them grow. Thanks so much for all the great homes!
Luna Birth weight 1 lb. 1.5 oz. - Diluted Black & White Green/Brown Eyed SOLD
Tebius Birth weight 1 lb. 2.5 oz. - Red & White Green eyed SOLD
Tiber Birth weight 14.5 oz. - Dark Red & White Very Blue Eyed SOLD
Rufus BIrth weight 1 lb. 4 oz. - Black & White Very Blue Eyed SOLD
#5 - Male 15 oz. - Black & White Passed away 6/2/15
Waiting for some new bedding
Enjoying a much needed
break while puppies are
getting new bedding
Mom can watch them.
chillin' with sis.
Oh my goodness....he
touched me!!!!
My granddaughter playing
with the puppies and having a
blast. Her new favorite
Having a snooze with
She loves how soft they
Playing a little leap frog :)
Chillin' in the sunshine
Pinned ya!
Pinned ya again!
Luna and her new family, Joe and Yvette.
Tiber and her new family, Blake (top left), Jordan
(top right), Fin (bottom left)
Tebius and his new family, Mya and Jenn
Rufus and his new family, Matt
Tebius and his new sister, Daphne
Oh yeah!!! this is the life.
Oh Man....another picture?
Check out the new toys!!!
Fin, keeping an eye on his new baby sister.
Oh Man....Who needs a new
bed when you got someone
to sleep on.
Rufus hanging out with Grandma!
Happy 1st Birthday Luna
It's a girl thing. Chillin' with Yvette
Meeting Grandma for the first time.
Come on. Just pet me one more time.
Gonna miss you Grandma!
Seriously? I have to take a bath.
It's only a little dirt.
Hangin' with my people Matt!