Included here are pictures of puppies that we've sold in the past. As we hear from the owners of our puppies, we will occasionally update this page with recent pictures of the dogs.
Litter born 11/1/2015
4 puppies
Sire: Oz
Dam: Natika
Well, most everyone is in their new homes.  Last
one leaves on Saturday.  Hard to believe they are all
old enough to go.  They are all doing well and i'm
looking forward to pictures as they grow.  
Lady Belle     Birth weight 1 lb. 1.5 oz. - Black & White    Brown Eyes      SOLD
Tuukka    Birth weight 1 lb. 2.5 oz. - Black & White     Blue Eyes   SOLD
Drifter     Male    Birth weight 1 lb. 2.5 oz. - Black & White   Brown Eyes     SOLD
Timber    Birth weight 1 lb. 3 oz. - Red & White    Blue Eyes    SOLD
Lady Belle with her new family Justin
and Juoa
Tuukka and his new family Matt
Drifter and his new family Michael and
Drifter chillin' with his new big brother Koda
Having a snooze with Mom.
Belle learning to play nice with the kitties
Big brothers got my back
Drifter visiting with his vet and techs at Paw's
and Claw's in Maple Grove.
Snoozing with the Big Guy
Timber with his new family Melissa and Brandon
Timber playing with his new mom.
Tuukka's first trip to the ocean
Drifter's almost ready to blow it out.
Koda enjoying a lick too.