Included here are pictures of puppies that we've sold in the past. As we hear from the owners of our puppies, we will occasionally update this page with recent pictures of the dogs.
Litter born 3/17/2017
5 puppies
Sire: Oz
Dam: Tala
Aja    Female   Blue Eyed   Birth weight 1 lb. 3 oz.           
Everyone is going to their new homes. Guess we
wait for the next litter :)
Sasha Female  Blue Eyed   Birth weight 1 lb. 3 oz.     
Kodiak     Male     Brown Eyed    Birth weight 1 lb. 3.5 oz.
Bandit     Male  Blue Eyed  Birth weight 1 lb. 2 oz.
Sirius     Male   Blue Eyed    Birth weight 1 lb. 2 oz.   
Sasha with part of her new family Nathan
Aja with her new family Brian, Michelle, Ben and William
Bandit with his new family Brian, Jeri, Alexander and Lillian
Way to go Sasha!!!!
Kodiak's new family Karen, Brenden & Jaxson